Prof. Mohamed Khedr

Prof. Mohamed Khedr got his doctorate from Cairo University in collaboration with Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute and his study this time was "Reduction of doped iron oxide compacts". Since his graduation till now Prof. Khedr managed, visited, attended, organized and established a lot of scientific centrals, conferences, projects and courses. In collaboration with his team Prof. Khedr managed to prepare many materials like TiO2 nanotubes filled with nanoalloys for anticorrosive and environmental applications and CNT's for cancer treatment. Prof. Khedr is the dean and founder of Faculty of Post Graduates Studies for Advanced Sciences, Beni-Suef University which is the only one in Africa and the Arab world that grants credited degrees (diploma-master-doctoral) in nanotechnology, biotechnology, environmental sciences, industrial sciences, medical chemistry and science and engineering of renewable energy.  Prof. Khedr has got many important projects funded with 8 million pounds. He is a reviewer for national and international journals such as Journal of materials chemistry and physics, ELSEVIER. Journal of materials processing technology, ELSEVIER, and Journal of colloids and surfaces -A–physicochemical and engineering aspects, ELSEVIER. He was a visiting professor for international universities like lusan University Switzerland, and Materials Science Nanotech, KTH Sweden. He organized many international conferences on nanoscience and material science.
