وحدة الميكرسكوب الإلكتروني (EMU)

Name of Instrument:-
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
Model:- Zeiss Sigma 500 VP Analytical FE-SEM
Company Name:- Carl Zeiss (Germany
Technical Specs:-
Electron Source: Schottky Thermal Field Emitter
Magnification: 10× – 1,000,000×
Resolution at 15 kV: 0.8 nm
Accelerating Voltage: 0.02 – 30 kV
Probe Current: 3 pA - 20 nA
Image Framestore: 32 k × 24 k pixels
Imaging without coating: 300 EGP
Imaging with coating: 350 EGP
Additional EDX: 100 EGP
Additional EDX and mapping: 150 EGP